[EN] Since 2023 all the publications of T.I.C. are available through the T I C subscription formula. A subscription is €25/year, for at least three publications per year. To subscribe, visit jakobvandenbroucke.be/t-i-c/ or kasperdemeulemeester.be/t-i-c/ . The subscription formula also functions as an instrument to gather people (subscribers) at specific moments in space and time, as publications are only distributed mano a mano, face to face.

Originally founded as an over-arching fictitious institute responsible for one room in a distant Flemish village (Temporary Information Center, section Meerhout)T.I.C. gradually evolved into a dynamic and synergistic thinking space in which collaboration, accumulation of knowledge and aesthetic production can coincide. T.I.C. is organized in the form of sections, actively inquiring amateurism, meaning, complexity, local history, narrative construction, protocol methodology, recreation and standardization.  The sections’ work channels cooperation by ways of contribution, commission, contamination and commoning and is made available via emails, meetings, actions, installations and publications. Embodying the different Executive Committees of T.I.C.’s sections, Kasper and Jakob explore their relation to (anti-)institutionalizing tendencies and inclinations.