Attuning with cooling tower microbes (Koelleven)

10:30 - 13:00

Undergraduate Centre
Otakaari 1, 02150 Espoo Lecture hall U7 (U135a), Undergraduate Centre

in English, register via this link, who is interested but cannot join the seminar at Aalto can contact Bartaku via email.

supported by r-Ohm vzw (BE), X-LAB, UHasselt; Lab of Microbiology and Centre for Synthetic Biology, UGent; Centre for Ethics, UAntwerp; New Energy Technologies Group, Aalto University, SCK CEN Mol; Bioart Society; Z33.with financial support through the Innovative Partner Projects by Vlaamse Gemeenschap

Attuning with cooling tower microbes: a conversation on art, science- and bioethics collaboration

[EN] Koelleven is a transdisciplinary inquiry exploring unique perspectives on microbial biodiversity, biosignalling, and the ethics of attuning. Instigated by artist Bartaku, Koelleven delves into the intricate relationships between humans and microbial communities living in the dynamic environment of natural-draft hyperboloid cooling towers. Through a specific blend of artistic inquiry, scientific inquiry, and philosophical discourse, the project ventures beyond the traditional academic silos. Its trickery aim? To empower microbes, recognising their inherent value and rights, and generate a deeper understanding of multi-perspective and multispecies models of inquiry.

Bartaku shares this artistic research journey, insights, and thought-provoking findings from the ongoing Koelleven project. Discover if and how Koelleven’s collaborative process pushes the boundaries of conventional knowledge. How is it challenging preconceived notions about biodiversity, living organisms as resources, and the urgent need for so-named innovative approaches to contemporary ecological crises? How does it express the tensions associated with the microbiomes residing within the cooling towers of nuclear facilities?
Koelleven not only delves into the scientific aspects of microbial communities in these breathing industrial tower totems. It offers a novel conceptual framework as well. By embracing the ethics of attuning, deep sensing, and responding, it aims to inquire about possible ways of reciprocal relationships with these microbial cooling tower communities to foster transformative understandings of multispecies relationships.
One of the distinctive aspects of the work is the creation of a visual medium in which the microbial pigments are used for explorative research of dye-based solar cells, microbial biodiversity, and non-extractive bioelectronic futures with the cooling tower landscape.

Following Bartaku’s talk, the audience is invited to be part of a lively panel discussion and a networking lunch. Engage with the project partners, colleagues, and the invited panellists to discuss the intricacies, challenges, and opportunities of transdisciplinarity collaboration in artistic research. All valuable insights and critical perspectives are welcome to shape the discourse and contribute to the academic community’s understanding of the transformative power of cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Dr. Riikka Mäkikoskela, Head of Radical Creativity, Aalto University, FI
Prof. Kristien Hens, Centre for Ethics, Dept of Philosophy, Antwerp University, BE
Prof. Marjan De Mey, Dept of Biotechnology, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, BE
Emmelie De Ridder, PhD student, LM-UGent, Dept of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Ghent University, BE
Allyson Robert, PhD student, X-LAB, Dept of Physics, Hasselt University, BE
Dr. Christina Stadlbauer, Researcher, Dept of Biotechnology, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, BE
Dr. Bart Vandeput, Postdoc senior researcher, Dept of Philosophy, Antwerp University, BE
Dr. Janne Halme, New Energy Technologies Group, Dept of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science, FI

[NL] Koelleven is een transdisciplinair onderzoek naar unieke perspectieven op microbiële biodiversiteit, biosignalering en ethiek. Op initiatief van kunstenaar Bartaku onderzoekt Koelleven de ingewikkelde relaties tussen mensen en microbiële gemeenschappen die leven in de dynamische omgeving van hyperboloïde koeltorens met natuurlijke aandrijving. Door een specifieke mix van artistiek en wetenschappelijk onderzoek, waagt het project zich buiten de traditionele academische context.
Bartaku deelt zijn artistieke onderzoeksreis, inzichten en tot nadenken stemmende bevindingen van het lopende Koelleven-project.
Na de lezing wordt het publiek uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan een levendige paneldiscussie en een netwerklunch.

[FR] Koelleven est une enquête transdisciplinaire qui explore des perspectives uniques sur la biodiversité microbienne, la biosignalisation et l’éthique de la syntonie. Lancé par l’artiste Bartaku, Koelleven explore les relations complexes entre les humains et les communautés microbiennes vivant dans l’environnement dynamique des tours de refroidissement hyperboloïdes à tirage naturel. Grâce à un mélange spécifique de recherche artistique, recherche scientifique et discours philosophique, le projet s’aventure au-delà du context académique traditionnel.
Bartaku partage son voyage de recherche artistique, des idées et des résultats stimulants du projet Koelleven en cours.
Après cet intervention, le public est invité à participer à un débat animé et à un déjeuner de mise en réseau.