in the maKINg

12:00 - 13:15

Recyclart, rue de Manchesterstraat 13-15, 1080 Molenbeek

Registration is mandatory to take part in workshops, and strongly recommended for other activities to help manage capacity. link

supported by Vlaamse Gemeenschap, SOPHIA, nadine

[EN] School of Love is invited by SOPHIA, who initiated the event Family Labor/atory – Unpacking and reimagining family, care & community-making, to present ‘In the maKINg’, a tool; a game; a score; and mainly a reason to get together to collectively stretch the imagination muscle.”

Many of us wish to engage with kin commitments, expanding our ideas of what a family can be. Yet, when we look around us; at the relationships that society supports and legitimates; at the ways in which romantic love prevails over friendship, and how nuclear family models inform our desires, we realise that our choices are limited and that our imagination is ever so narrow.
Upon joining the game, you will be invited to sit around a table with 4 people who will become your kin family members for an hour. Following a guided score, you will collectively articulate the kinship bonds practised in your fictional family. Through fantasising about the roles, relations, values, needs, rebellions, powers, interdependence, and loves that bring family members together, unexpected models might emerge which, hopefully not too far from here and now, might be made possible.”

School Of Love (SOL) is a collective based in Brussels. Members of SOL have various artistic, academic and socially engaged practices. The collective’s activities aim at exploring and disseminating the notion of love through methodologies that merge art and pedagogy. Love for SOL is more than a feeling: it’s a choice, an intention, and a mode of engagement to be exercised in social and political spheres. SOL’s practices contain participative events, co learning processes, films and performances. They address pupils and teachers, art practitioners and activists, and the broad public of art institutions.