[WAB] SPRING DRINK with a.pass and nadine


Rue Manchesterstraat 17, Molenbeek

𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺 – 𝟭𝟴:𝟯𝟬: doors open – 𝟭𝟵:𝟬𝟬: work in progress (performance) by Helena Dietrich – 𝟮𝟬:𝟬𝟬: work in progress (installation) by Annika Katja Boll

supported by a.pass, nadine

Spring Drink with nadine and a.pass
& launch of a new WAB cycle (Wandering Arts)

We are very happy to launch a new WAB cycle on March 21 during a Spring drink with our friends from a.pass and WAB community.
Helena Dietrich and Annika Katja Boll will present their work in progress, we give a sneak peek of our WAB Spring and the bar at a.pass is open.

*** Helena Dietrich (work in progress, 30min)
Untitled (until it appears) 2025
Between gesture and voice, something emerges. Not yet meaning, not yet language, existing in a fragile interval—a crack where meaning seeps through. Before words solidify into definitions, before gestures become codified signs, there exists this shimmering potential.
In this unfolding, each moment expands into its own universe, terrifying in its nakedness. Traveling toward the center of the now—that impossible point where everything meets nothing.
An improvisation of scores from the new research Tuning – Resonant Bodies Weaving Emergent Ecologies.

*** Annika Katja Boll (work in progress, installation)
“I want to share an exploratory combination of my video and digital-sculptural work. I intend to display looped animations, as Walking Simulator 1 or Simple Simulator 2, which are digital walks in artificial nature scenes. They propose a sort of cyber-flânerie which relates to my interest in ‘Walking as Method’, a concept that suggests walking creates a rhythm of thinking.
Juxtaposed to the screens are sculptural pieces as please don’t water me I’m artificial 1 and 2, which are 3D printed plants being re-motioned over rotating jewellery displays, forming a carousel of lifeless plants. I playfully describe this work between nature and artificiality as digital gardening. Through the visual combination of both I will try to reflect on an upcoming work, windmills of shame/ in Bliss, which aims to reflect on renewable energies and their social image: objects used for decoration as toy windmills, Lazy Susans or traditional German Christmas pyramids will be placed in opposition to a screen displaying the landscape of Bliss, the default Windows XP wallpaper from 1998. The title quotes a statement by AfD politician Alice Weidel, who wants to end the use of “the ugly windmills of shame”, when in power.”