[4th WAB meeting] #18 / Etat des Lieux

12:30 - 02:00

Ictus Wild Gallery, Luttebruglaan 72 Avenue du Pont de Luttre, 1190 Vorst Forest (evening program)


supported by Ictus, WAB participants, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie (Davide Tidoni), Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Un Futur pour la Culture (Clément Thiry)

[EN] On 28 June, the last Monday of June, we celebrate the last 4th WABmeeting.
Due to the restrictions resulting from the global pandemic nadine was not able to host collective 4th WAB public presentation. We did keep on organising monthly meetings with the participating artists involved. These became moments of sharing, thinking, and practicing on- and later offline. We decided to stretch 4th WAB until June 2021 in order to be able to organise public events again, but it is only this last WAB meeting that we are able to invite public again.
Please join us for a varied program presenting several projects by different 4th WAB participants:

[NL] Op 28 juni, de laatste maandag van juni, vieren we de laatste 4th WAB-meeting.
Door de beperkingen als gevolg van de wereldwijde pandemie was nadine nog niet in staat om een collectieve publieke presentatie van 4th WAB te organiseren. We bleven wel maandelijkse bijeenkomsten organiseren met de betrokken deelnemende kunstenaars. Dit werden momenten van gesprek, delen, denken zowel on- als offline. We besloten om 4th WAB uit te breiden tot juni 2021 om weer publieke evenementen te kunnen organiseren, maar het is pas deze laatste WAB-meeting dat we publiek kunnen uitnodigen.
U bent uitgenodigd om een gevarieerd programma met projecten van verschillende 4th WAB deelnemers te ervaren:

[FR] Le 28 juin, dernier jour du mois, nous célébrerons le 4e WABmeeting. À cause des restrictions dues à la pandémie, nadine n’a pas été en mesure d’accueillir du public pour présenter les différents projets organisés dans le cadre du 4e WAB. Nous avons cependant maintenu les réunions mensuelles avec les artistes participants ; des moments de partage, de réflexion et de pratique en ligne, et, plus tard, « offline ». Nous avons décidé de prolonger cette 4e édition jusqu’au mois de juin afin de pouvoir, à nouveau, organiser des événements publics, ce n’est qu’à cette unique et dernière réunion que nous serons en mesure de vous recevoir à nouveau.
Rejoignez-nous pour la présentation des projets des différents artistes participants.

12:30-14:00 – online (!)
Acts of Listening and Urban Geography
online (!) conference curated by Anna Raimondo with Griselda Flesler, AM Kanngieser, Gascia Ouzounian
This conversation unfolds the premise that the production of knowledge, based on the gaze, implies a visual ideology, a normative way of seeing which is learnt and inherited.
The main question of this encounter is How could the acts of listening, intended as both oral and sonic analysis and production of the heard, contribute to produce forms of alternative and more inclusive forms of knowledges in this discipline? What would be the epistemological implications of the shifting from perspective to the listening of a specific territory?
(in English)

18:00-19:00 – at Ictus wild gallery
performance by Davide Tidoni & Abigail Aleksander, Alkis Barbas
This work consists of the adaptation of a series of listening exercises to movement pieces performed in front of an audience. Through specific actions, characterized by a dramaturgy cut to the bone, the performers will explore specific acoustic phenomena, such as vibration, filter, and reflection, as well as the stillness of silence, the interdependence between touch and sound response, and the capacity of the body to filter and modulate sound propagation in space. The work reflects on the active role of the listener and on their agency to act upon and intervene with the acoustic field, approached here as a model of relational knowledge and mutual exchange.

19:00-20:00 – at Ictus wild gallery
oracle Telepathic Practice
discussion hosted by oracle 
oracle will host a discussion taking the form of a one hour protocol / score about the oracle telepathic practice. Later in the evening a sound piece “The Telepathic Lockdown” created by Ruben Nachtergaele will be set up for a listening session. You are invited to join us physically or telepathically.
(in English)

20:00-20:30 – at Ictus wild gallery
Je suis cercle, je suis carré, et je dessine dans l’espace public
series of videos by Francesca Chiacchio/Il Palinsesto
A series of videos created during a residency at CLEA in Montreuil sur Mer (France) from March to May 2021 in collaboration with the organisation Chemin Faisant. The series of videos will be introduced by Francesca Chiacchio and keep running during dinner.

20:30-21:30 – at Ictus wild gallery
food by Twee Citroenen

22:00-23:00 – at Ictus wild gallery
The Telepathic Lockdown
sound piece by Ruben Nachtergaele
This one hour sound piece was made from the series of oracle telepathic sessions during the 2020 lockdown and is the first time that it will be set up for a public listening session.

23:30-02:00 – public space of Anderlecht (meet-up at Ictus wild gallery)
Coins Sombres
night walk by Clément Thiry
Since four years Clément Thiry wanders in the city by night. He collects underlit spaces and places them on a map. They are forgotten spaces, small corners where rubbish gathers.
The walks are invitations to contemplate and listen, following a meander on the map. In the framework of this final WAB meeting, Clément will try out a new dark corner walk in Anderlecht.