[EN] During lockdown, oracle transformed their vocal practice into a telepathic practice to offer another form of connection in times of crisis and isolation; one that involves magic, imagination and communication through “waves/energy/particles“, reaching beyond physical borders. A variety of people responded to the call, ranging from the oracle community to persons from different communities in Brussels, and abroad.

Opening this practice to a broader community was an experiment in connectivity and a way for oracle to share financial resources in a time of need, offering a fee to each participant.

Ruben Nachtergaele, sound-artist and fellow oracle, uses these recordings, mixing them into a sound-installation for 5 speakers.
In a future listening session hosted by Q-O2 he will invite an audience to peak into this work-in-progress, welcoming feedback as part of this creation process.

With Kevin Fay, Loe Carvalho, Daniela Farinacci, Anna Raimondo, Em König, Tine and Arto Ringele, Davide Tidoni, Aleksandra Janeva, Loes Jacobs, An Goovaerts, Mathilde Maillard, Ruben and Trixie Nachtergaele, Alexandra Dementieva, Peter Savel, Clement Thierry, May Enklaar, Chloé Schuiten, Estelle Delcambre, Rasa Alksnyte, Myriam van Imschoot, Marcus Bergner, Elli Vassalou, Alimu, Sawsan Maher, Marine Debilly, Caroline Daish, Justine Maxelon

“As if our voices were ringing through the ages and the walls and closed doors. Defying the laws that might silence such thoughts, reaction, impulses. Giving VOICE to the stuff we dare not speak – the sounds we dare not make. And knowing there were more like me at exactly the same time – a collective vibration of defiance (and sometimes defeat). These are challenging times that are promoting deep fears and confusion. It needs an outlet – to be heard beyond the political dialectic, past the welfare cues and supermarket scrabbles.”, written by a participant of the telepathic practice.

[NL] Tijdens de lockdown transformeerde oracle hun vocale praktijk in een telepathische praktijk om een andere vorm van verbinding te bieden en onderzoeken in tijden van crisis en isolement. Als een vorm die magie, verbeelding en communicatie via “golven/energie/deeltjes” verspreidde, en die verder reikte dan onze fysieke grenzen. Een verscheidenheid van mensen reageerde op de oproep, variërend van de mensen uit de oracle gemeenschap tot personen uit verschillende gemeenschappen in Brussel en daarbuiten.

[FR] En période de confinement, Oracle a transformé sa pratique vocale en une pratique télépathique afin de proposer d’autres possibilités de connexions et de partage en temps de crise et d’isolement ; magie, imagination et communication grâce à des ondes, de l’énergie, des particules, qui se déplacent au-delà des frontières physiques. De nombreuses personnes ont répondu à l’appel.