Trou Disparition

opening Saturday 16.06.2018 / 18:00

n0dine, Rue de Laekensestraat 105, 1000 Brussels

Chloé and Clément will be in residency at the new space of nadine (nodine) from 27 May to 16 June. On Saturday 16 June during the finissage they present the project ‘Trou Disparition’. Friday 1 June and Wednesday 6 June they opened up their working space to the public, with an exhibition of the ‘Dormeur Presse’.

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[EN] Chloé and Clément experiment with new and alternative lifestyles, to extract themselves from the world and rethink it while sleeping on it.
They met in February 2015 at an experimental carnival. Since then they have been meeting on a regular basis to fulfil their need for life experiences. They turn everything upside down in order to set themselves apart from everyday life and observe society from a distance. They tackle the three most fundamental aspects of everyday life: to eat, sleep and work. Their dynamic allows them to rapidly project themselves into delirious fictions and to fully realize them.

In September of 2017 we created a new outdoors experience. We needed to disappear for good from the human mess while still being at the centre of it. We wanted to vanish, do nothing, to be thoroughly passive. So we dug a hole on a roundabout and we went in hiding for a week without food, doing nothing except draw our dreams on empty water bottles.
Then in March of 2018 we built a suspended nest made of old duvet sewn together and we settled in. We made it our offices for a week and covered the inside with erotic and wet paintings.
In parallel to these experimentation capsules we have designed performative installations, lectures, shows and workshops to showcase our work. We had the opportunity to do so in various locations such as Le Point Ephemère, la librairie de Balzac à Rodin, le 100 in Paris as well as Saint-Luc and l’ERG in Brussels.

[NL] Chloé en Clément experimenteren met nieuwe en alternatieve levensstijlen om zichzelf los te maken van de wereld en er opnieuw over na te denken terwijl ze slapen.
Ze ontmoetten elkaar in februari 2015 tijdens een experimenteel carnaval. Sindsdien zijn ze regelmatig bijeengekomen om nieuwe levenservaringen te delen. Ze zetten alles ondersteboven om zich te onttrekken van het dagelijks leven en om de maatschappij vanop afstand te observeren. Ze pakken de drie meest fundamentele aspecten van het dagelijks leven aan: eten, slapen en werken. Hun dynamiek en werkmethode stellen hen in staat om zichzelf snel naar een eigen ficitieverhaal te projecteren.
Op zaterdag 16 juni presenteren ze tijdens de finissage van hun residentie het project ‘Trou Disparition’.

[FR] Chloé et Clément expérimentent des styles de vie alternatifs afin de s’extraire du monde et de le repenser. Ils interrogent, par leur travail, trois aspects fondamentaux de la vie quotidienne : la nourriture, le sommeil, le travail. Ils présenteront la dernière partie de leur résidence WAB Trou disparition le samedi 16 juin à 18h chez n0dine.