Live Conversation #1 — Eavatea

19:00 - 21:00

Kunsthal Gent, Lange Steenstraat 14, 9000 Ghent

supported by Jubilee, Atelier Cartographique, Casco Arts Institute, CKV, f.eks., Kunsthal Gent, M HKA, nadine

Live Conversation 1 – nadine on location in Kunsthal

Julie Vanderhaeghen (Atelier Cartographique), Loes Jacobs (nadine), Maximiliaan Royakkers and Ciel Grommen (Atlas of Ovens) introduce Eavatea, and discuss how the partners have developed the mapping prototype both as a curatorial and an artistic practice. This involves archiving, publishing and finally activating, the three basic functions of Eavatea that aim to enable a relational dynamic between the uploaded practices. Eavatea as an agora will be tested, and the new possibilities for conducting collective research will be experimented with in collaboration with the public. Artist duo Vermeir & Heiremans will moderate the conversation.

Live Conversations are part of nadine’s curated activities in dialogue and collaboration with artists and or partners. The conversations focus on a specific topic or artistic practices affiliated with nadine. This first Live Conversation is part of Jubilee’s Summer School 2024.

Commons to Coop
Jubilee Summer School 2024
01/07 – 05/07/2024
Kunsthal Gent and various locations around Ghent
registration is required:

During a week with workshops, walks and public conversations at Kunsthal Gent, they study local histories of cooperative organisation, and work with the new tool for artistic research and countermapping Eavatea

Currently a working prototype, Eavatea is a digital tool for developing, visualising, archiving and relating practices is specifically designed for sharing practices that do not present themselves easily in conventional exhibition contexts: research-based, often in situ, nomadic, collective, ephemeral, interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary practices.

Eavatea has many different authors. Considering the tool a knowledge commons, social researcher Mayo Fuster Morell claims its goal is “to expand resources in quality and over time, with a view to broadening the flow of knowledge to stimulate innovation, where exclusive intellectual property rights have blocked that process.”

As a digital commons Eavatea requires regular maintenance and updates. This year’s Jubilee Summer School explores the dynamic between a commons and the cooperative: an economic model that operates on the basis of collective ownership. In response to the social urgencies that were caused by the industrialization of Belgium a number of successful cooperatives were initiated in Ghent. In a series of workshops and walks they will explore inspiring models from the past, but also from the present.

[NL] Live Conversaties maken deel uit van nadine’s gecureerde activiteiten in dialoog en in samenwerking met kunstenaars en/of partners. De gesprekken focussen op een specifiek onderwerp of artistieke praktijken die verbonden zijn aan nadine. Dit eerste Live Gesprek was onderdeel van Jubilee’s Summer School 2024.

Julie Vanderhaeghen (Atelier Cartographique), Loes Jacobs (nadine), Maximiliaan Royakkers en Ciel Grommen (Atlas of Ovens) introduceerden Eavatea en bespraken hoe de partners het mapping-prototype hebben ontwikkeld als zowel een curatoriële als een artistieke praktijk. Dit omvat met name het archiveren, publiceren en uiteindelijk activeren, de drie basisfuncties van Eavatea die een relationele dynamiek tussen de geüploade praktijken mogelijk moeten maken. Het kunstenaarsduo Vermeir & Heiremans modereerden het gesprek.