
opening Sunday 04.11.2018 / 15:00

Brussels Royal Yacht Club: https://goo.gl/maps/99QoMAmZ14s



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[EN] Marialena Marouda and nadine warmly invitate you for the performance of Oceanographies on Sunday 4 November, on Buratinas, nadine’s solar powered boat.
The performance takes place in the framework of the Wandering Arts Biennial [WAB] and will start from the Brussels Royal Yacht Club [BRYC] at 3pm.

As the boat is very small, we will make stops along the canal in 30-40 mins slots, where people can enter and exit. Every slot 3-4 people can be with us on the boat and attend the performance.
Please register if you want to participate via loes@nadine.be and we will communicate the exact times and places of the stops very soon (after a sailing a try-out on Wednesday).
We will have blankets, cushions and hot tea – bring warm clothes as there is no heating on Buratinas…

– On Oceanographies

Who knows what an ocean is? Or, for that matter, what counts as valid knowledge of ocean(s)? Apart from more or less objective –and objectifying– definitions, isn’t an ocean a thing that each person would define in a different way? As different human bodies encounter this immense body of water differently and singularly?

Oceanographies is a research project that seeks to access and to collect stories and performances on the relation between the human body and the vast body of water the ocean is. The work focuses on the intertwinement of hands to mud, ears to the breaking of the waves, feet to the feeling of sinking, rather than on the ocean “in itself”, devoid of human presence.

During the performance, the collected ocean conversations and demonstrations are shared with a small public. After 3 presentations of the research project on land, water finally carries the material of the research -and lets it drift.

Performance: Justine Maxelon & Marialena Marouda
Buratinas Captains: Loes Jacobs, An Goovaert

[NL] Marialena Marouda presenteerde haar project Oceanographies op de boot. Vier bootritten gaven plaats aan een viertal mensen per rit om de performance rond het oproepen van de oceaan te volgen.

[FR] Marialena Marouda et nadine vous invitent chaleureusement à la performance Océanographies le dimanche 4 novembre, à bord du Buratinas, le bateau à énergie solaire de nadine. La performance à lieu dans le cadre du Wandering Arts Biennial (WAB) et débutera au Brussels Royal Yacht Club [BRYC] à 15h.