RusClub #51

19:30 - 23:00

dinA, Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf, 1000 Brussels

start movie: 20:00 Please feel free to bring some movie-snacks and/or movie-drinks. Due to Covid restrictions, places are limited. Please reserve by email (

[NL] RusClub is een platform voor Russische cinema. Alexandra Dementieva gidst het publiek doorheen de geschiedenis van de Russische cinema aan de hand van geselecteerde films.

[EN] RusClub is a platform for Russian cinema. Alexandra Dementieva selects Russian movies and guides you through the history of Russian cinema.

The movie that will be shown is: DAU. Natasha (2020, 2h25min)
Directors: Ilya Khrzhanovsky, Jekaterina Oertel
Writers: Ilya Khrzhanovskiy, Kora Landau-Drobantseva (book)
Stars: Natalia Berezhnaya, Olga Shkabarnya, Vladimir Azhippo

“A lonely canteen worker at a secret Soviet research institute has a one-night-stand with a visiting French scientist and falls prey to the suspicions of an unforgiving KGB interrogator.”