[Wandering #1] by Anyuta Wiazemsky Snauwaert – a walk during which the participants will tread their own route and take a few stops designed in such a way that the artist can share her fascination with art history, history of walking, city development, psychology, and other fields

17/02/2023 - 19/02/2023

14:00 - 17:00

dinA, Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf, 1000 Brussels

The walk is free but reservation is required. Please send an e-mail to phyllis@nadine, including which day you would like to join and the amount of people. Inscriptions will close on Monday February 13.

supported by Vlaamse Gemeenschap, nadine vzw

[EN] nadine hosts the first Wandering of 2023 in February. Wanderings are public presentations of nomadic practices in public space. This walk is part of an artistic research by Anyuta Wiazemsky Snauwaert on the transitions in how people relate to cities. The participants actively create memories and thus manipulate their own relationship with a/the given city. This edition takes place in Brussels.

Two walks are organised on Friday 17/02 & Sunday 19/02. Duration: 14:00 – 17:00.
We gather at 13:45 at nadine office: Rue du Pont Neuf 3, 1000 Brussels

As a certified guide, I use the canvas of a classic tour, deconstruct it and weave new elements in it, such as artistic practices or personal interest in urban development, psychology, societal dynamics, and linguistics. This walk is an experience where the participants actively create memories and thus manipulate their own relationship with a/the given city.

[NL] nadine organiseert de eerste Wandering van 2023 in februari. Wanderings zijn publieke presentaties van nomadic practices in de openbare ruimte. Deze wandeling is deel van een artistiek onderzoek van Anyuta Wiazemsky Snauwaert over de transitie in hoe mensen zich verhouden tot de stad. Deze editie vindt plaats in Brussel. Tijdens deze wandeling manipuleren deelnemers hun eigen connectie met de stad door actief herinneringen te creëren. 

[FR] nadine accueillera la première Wandering de 2023 en février. Wanderings sont des présentations publiques de nomadic practices dans l’espace public. Cette promenade fait partie de la recherche artistique de Anyuta Wiazemsky Snauwaert sur les transitions dans la façon dont les gens sont en relation avec les villes. Les participants fabriquent activement des souvenirs, de cette manière ils manipulent leur propre relation à la ville / à une ville donnée. Cette édition aura lieu à Bruxelles.