Pierre-Philippe Hofmann Pierre-Philippe Hofmann Pierre-Philippe Hofmann Pierre-Philippe Hofmann Pierre-Philippe Hofmann Pierre-Philippe Hofmann Pierre-Philippe Hofmann Pierre-Philippe Hofmann Pierre-Philippe Hofmann Pierre-Philippe Hofmann Pierre-Philippe Hofmann
a new WAB year…
[Monthly Meeting] #7 – La Vieille Chéchette
[Monthly Meeting] #6 – Time Elapsed
TIME ELAPSED (group exhibition)
[Monthly Meeting] #3 – dinA
n0dine*X-mas shop
[Monthly Meeting] #1 – What is the future of WAB?
[4th WAB] Der Rattenfänger
4th WABook conversation #2
Portrait d’un Paysage
4th WAB presents: Pierre-Philippe Hofmann

01/01/2020 - 31/12/2020

4th Wandering Arts Biennial
2nd WABook
[4th WAB meeting] #4 What about the virus?
[4th WAB meeting] #2 What about the public?
[4th WAB meeting] #1 Wandering themes
Launch 2nd WABook