‘The Power Plant’ research (working title)

14/08/2024 - 01/09/2024

If you are curious about the longer engagement, send an e-mail to bruna@nadine.be and we will provide you with all the details.

supported by Vlaamse Gemeenschap, nadine Brussels, Viernulvier Gent, wpZimmer Antwerp, Kersnikova Gallery Ljubljana

SciFi Playground Visit

• Group 1 : 14 August
• Group 2 : 1 September
The visits last 3.5 hrs in total from 15:00 to 18:30

• Group 3 : 25 to 27 August
Longer experimental session, stay over, lodgment & food provided

[EN] Isabel Burr Raty* invites friends, colleagues and others to participate in ‘The Power Plant’ research. In her garden, she and her collaborators are developing a nomadic playground that is crafted into the earth. It comprises several stations that offer retro-futuristic devices and body practice scores, to experience an embodied SciFi that collectivizes the ecstatic and channels new visions about future interconnectivity and relations.

*With a background as an activist filmmaker working with indigenous nations in Latin America, and a sexual Kung Fu initiate, Isabel Burr Raty‘s artistic practice weaves methods for embodied Sci-Fi, through hybrid formats that are installed and adapted to in-situ conditions. These invite the public to participate in hyper-reality settings that challenge the commodification of ‘goods’ and propose economies of pleasure exchange. Offering empowering experiences that liberate bodies from colonial perspectives in collective settings. For example The Beauty Kit Farm, manufactures cosmetic products with human erotic juices. Currently, with The Power Plant (working title) research, Isabel hopes to expand her eco-erotic arsenal and develop new lines of magic transpersonal objects.

[NL] Isabel Burr Raty nodigt vrienden, collega’s en anderen uit om deel te nemen aan haar onderzoek ‘The Power Plant’. In haar tuin ontwikkelen zij en haar medewerkers een nomadische speeltuin in de aarde. Het bestaat uit verschillende stations die retro-futuristische apparaten en lichaamspraktijkscores bieden, om een belichaamde SciFi te ervaren die het extatische collectiviseert en nieuwe visies oproept over interconnectiviteit en relaties in de toekomst.
[FR] Isabel Burr Raty invite ses ami·es, ses collègues et d’autres personnes à participer à sa recherche “The Power Plant”. Dans son jardin, elle et ses collaborateur·rices développent un parcours nomade qui est façonné dans la terre. Il comprend plusieurs stations qui offrent des dispositifs rétro-futuristes et des partitions de pratique corporelle, pour faire l’expérience d’une science-fiction incarnée qui collectivise l’extatique et canalise de nouvelles visions sur l’interconnectivité et les relations futures.